Software Enginner

Monthly Investment : June 2023

Posted at — Jul 6, 2023

“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”

Bob Marley


This month the first idea was keep the strategy without strong chances in the balance, because of the already balanced allocation, lets look the allocation before the new investments :


Despite being balanced, fallowing error margin of 1%, what take my attention was Health because it is falling slowly day after day, Let’s take a look !

Transportation sector is the only that is out of the error margin, and that is principal because the growing of two companies Log-in [LOGN3] and Tesla [TSLA].

Keep grown Brazil stocks to the moon

Brazil is currently in a good situation on the stock market the situation is green, also without dividends and bonuses, why change now ?! the general sector allocation is well, but some companies needed a little plus when looking the performance.

Changes :

More Camil [CAML3], the food company is in a not good situation mostly because the current high government tax, they did a lot of investments and still didn’t make profit from that, I believe in the company and in the reduction of the government tax in a good impact in the future.

More Weg [WEGE3], The recently added company from the industry sector was falling a little for a while, to be specific last 8 monthly investments. The indicators didn’t change, let’s but a little bit more.

A little bit less in Neoenergia [NEOE3], one of the companies in the energy sector, I decided to reduce a little the investment in Neoenergia this month as a little pruning in the sector.

Brazil Fixed Income new apply and general strategy

My investments in fixed income occur when Money left after equities investments and pay bills, the current government tax is really attractive to the private and public bounds and some months money left and to not put all the money in long term and risk investments let’s put some in more short term and more safe investments.


In fixed income we have a lot some index and today my current allocation are :

Selic46 %
Prefixed9 %
CDI32 %

We have two bond issuers here, Government and Private companies, is clear that the Government bound are more safe and because of that the profit comparing the same index is less than Private bounds.

The investment here was not common for a while, because the money normally don’t left after equities investments, but in this month I choose CDI investments issuer by a private company.

Health ! We need that

The health sector is one of my most important sector, WHY ? The keep growing of the life expectancy and the percentage of people 60+ age will be necessary a strong structure to attend this people.

But looking for the allocation, the Health sector is above the target, despite the error margin, and another fact is that the sector percentage don’t grow, and I find some causes :

  1. Brazil company Fleury [FLRY3], that is not the main cause, but despite the Brazil recently growing Fleury is not following too much comparing with other Brazil companies
  2. Crypto and TI strong growing, the growth of other categories influenced in the reduction
  3. The dollar push down, the dollar to brazilian real is falling strongly at now and this factor impact in two health companies allocations in the US market.

To maintain a good position in Health I don’t wanted to put more money in the only company of this sector in Brazil (Fleury [FLRY]) and don’t have another company in mind in the country, where then ?

What make me fill a little uncomfortable if the few options, apart from Fleury rest only two, and the investment is considerable to follow the allocation, to solve that I resurrected Intuitive Surgical Inc !

Intuitive Surgical Inc [ISRG]

After the Passfolio limiting the quantity of stocks buying per month I reduced the number of companies and one of that was Intuitive Surgical Inc, I stopped buying at 1 years ago and now at another broker without this limitation and the needs of more options in the health sector I choose Intuitive Surgical Inc, I had another option Medtronic Plc [MDT] but I don’t like to much the performance and some indicators.


I will detail that in another post, to be shortly I decided to create a ranking between the IT companies in the US market, until this investment monthly I try to maintain the allocation close between them. The ranking is that :

  1. Microsoft - The recent acquisition of OpenAI and not to far acquisition of Activision Blizzard a holding in the gaming sector looks amazing, one thinking in the future of IA and the other a growing sector with a big potential
  2. Apple - Is the biggest brand in the world far from competition
  3. Amazon - The diversification is a strong power and steal a dominant in the retail sector and most important in te cloud
  4. Google - The dependency of AD is what made me a little scare, but this company have a strong potential with the data have

New crypto ?! WHY ?!

Looking at Binance Earn tokens I see an interesting token paying the profit in Bitcoin, the first time I see something like that and I started to study the project, I’m talking about Stacks [STX] an amazing project that allow people to use bitcoin in decentralized solutions like ethereum does and is not only that is an old project with a amazing community and looking for the utilized language is named Clarity, the syntax is really similar to Clojure ! I only said "Binance shut up and take my money" and put the tokens in the Binance Earn to take a more deep look in the project in the future.

I will create a post to share more about Stacks [STX], the new crypto in my portfolio !