Software Enginner

Monthly Investment : July 2023

Posted at — Aug 7, 2023

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

Thomas A. Edison


I did only one different movement in the july investment month, I stick with the approach of buy at least a little of every asset classified as part of my portfolio, asset’s that I want to maintain for the long term.

The difference in this month was the decision of include a new global ETF, before that inclusion the portfolio was two ETF focused in a global exposure (INDA and MCHI), including all asset’s we can say that the portfolio have exposure also in Brazil and USA.

Exploring the globe

To consider a more diversification worldwide and look ahead, I was thinking about a new ETF to expand the category exposure, my current configuration is four percent, only considering the INDA and MCHI ETF’s.

Decided in include a new word ETF I stated to looking for the globe, I figured out that my current world ETF’s is at the same region (Asia), the first idea was find a country in another region but not any country a country classified as emerging, have a good diplomacy worldwide and the most important indicator is the idea of look far away, because I already have exposure in countries that have a good perspective in the middle term.

Considering that script I choose South Africa, the main idea of the decision was the great potential of South Africa drive the Africa continent and grow together with its neighboring countries, that is only a step forward in the process of understand deeply the country potential and how you geo-economic works.

The chosen ETF was iShares MSCI South Africa ETF (EZA) an issued by BlackRock, I liked to see that the holdings are not fully focused in minerals sector, on the other hand the 37%~ and 17%~ exposure in Finance and Technology services respectively looks amazing for a long term investment.

The future of the worldwide exposure

I keep the ambition of amplify the global exposure using ETF’s, I but in my watch list Europe region, I liked the first look and the perspective for another middle term region.